Appointment of Progress Monitoring Committee for Implementation of Mass Shooting Commission’s Key Findings.

Brad Johns, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, and Dominic LeBlanc, federal Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, appointed 16 members to the Progress Monitoring Committee (PMC) today, September 1.

Former justice Linda Oland, Founding Chair of the PMC, led the membership proposal process. Since her appointment on May 31, Ms. Oland has spoken to victims’ families, communities, municipal governments, policing associations, gender-based violence advocacy and support sectors, Indigenous community organizations, African Canadian community organizations and others mentioned in the Mass Casualty Commission’s (MCC) recommendations and findings. In accordance with the MCC’s recommendation regarding the diversity of representation, Ms. Oland sought to bring together regional and national perspectives.

Joining the committee are:

  • Dan Jenkins, family member; term: September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024
  • Crystal Mendiuk, family member; term: September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024
  • Charlene Bagley, family member; term: September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025
  • Scott McLeod, family member; term: September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025
  • Jennifer Zahl Bruland, family member; term: September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025
  • David Burkholder, family member; term: September 1, 2025-August 31, 2026
  • Tammy Oliver-McCurdie, family member; term: September 1, 2025-August 31, 2026
  • Mayor Christine Blair, Colchester County (municipal representative from the County of Colchester, Cumberland or Hants)
  • Alison Whelan, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister Reform, Accountability and Culture, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (senior representative from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
  • Simon Coakeley, Vice-Chairperson and member of the Management Advisory Board for the RCMP (member of the RCMP Management Advisory Board)
  • Talal Dakalbab, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Crime Prevention Branch, Public Safety Canada (senior representative from Public Safety Canada)
  • Chief Mark Kane, Annapolis Royal Police Service (representative from a local, regional, or national policing association)
  • Jennifer Glennie, Associate Deputy Minister, Executive Council Office, Government of Nova Scotia (a senior representative from the Government of Nova Scotia)
  • Kristina Fifield, Provincial Community Co-ordinator & Trauma Therapist, Community Based Sexualized Violence Trauma Therapy Program, Avalon Sexual Assault Centre (a representative from the gender-based violence advocacy and support sectors, preferably from Nova Scotia)
  • Tuma Young, KC (a representative of Indigenous community organizations)
  • Vanessa Fells (a representative of African Canadian community organizations).

The formation of the PMC responds to the commission’s final report, which called on the two governments to establish an independent body to monitor the progress of advancing and responding to the commission’s key findings.

The PMC will soon hold its first meeting in Halifax and begin its important work, which includes developing a plan to monitor and report on the initiatives that Canada and Nova Scotia are undertaking in response to the MCC report.

The governments of Canada and Nova Scotia will continue to advance the recommendations set out in the MCC’s final report to ensure a similar tragedy never happens again.


The Progress Monitoring Committee has an important mandate, and I’d like to thank the committee members for taking on this work. The events of April 2020 have forever left a mark on our province and country. This committee will play an important role in ensuring we learn from the past and take meaningful action for the future.Brad Johns, Nova Scotia Attorney General and Justice Minister

The appointment of the members of the Progress Monitoring Committee is a key step in ensuring that the Mass Casualty Commission’s recommendations are addressed. I want to thank former justice Oland for her work and for her dedication to those impacted by this tragedy.Dominic LeBlanc, federal Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs

I look forward to working with these new members who will share their knowledge, expertise and commitment to improving public safety and community well-being.Linda Oland, Founding Chair, Progress Monitoring Committee

Quick Facts:

  • on May 31, the governments of Canada and Nova Scotia announced the appointment of the Founding Chair of the PMC
  • the PMC’s terms of reference were released on July 31
  • on April 28 the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia announced a combined $18 million over two years to help address the unmet needs for mental health, grief and bereavement supports in the affected communities, as recommended in the commission’s final report

Additional Resources:

Progress Monitoring Committee: https://novascotia.ca/progress-monitoring-committee

Source: Release