Helping Lake Torment Adapt to Climate Change.

A new community-led project will look at ways to improve the health of a beloved lake near East Dalhousie, including learning more about how blue-green algae impacts the lake and what can be done in response.

The Province is supporting the Lake Torment Stewardship Association to manage the lake and its watershed so they can continue to be used by the community now and into the future. Chris Palmer, MLA for Kings West, announced funding from the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund today, August 28, on behalf of Timothy Halman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

“Climate change is impacting every part of our province, included the lakes we love and enjoy – the lakes which we build our communities around such as Lake Torment,” said Mr. Palmer. “I am pleased that our government is helping to support those that love this lake the most with their work to protect this lake today and so that Nova Scotians not yet born can also enjoy it.”

Lake Torment, in Kings County, is used for swimming, boating, fishing and as a social hub for the community. Climate change is causing the water temperature of lakes to increase, which can affect lake health. The Lake Torment Stewardship Association will use the funding from the Province to do water monitoring and testing and then create a plan for how to manage the impacts of climate change on the lake. They will also share what they learn with other communities in Nova Scotia who want to take similar action.

The Lake Torment Stewardship Association is receiving $199,000 from the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund.


“We are thrilled to receive this grant from the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund. This fund is the major contributor to project LakeCare, and it will significantly enhance our longer-term efforts to preserve and protect Lake Torment while testing approaches that may be adopted by other lakes and watersheds throughout Nova Scotia. Our project’s goal is to support the health and sustainability of lakes for the future. We will use new approaches and technologies to monitor water quality, engage the community in stewardship activities, and share our experiences with other groups. We extend our gratitude to our supporters and partners for their unwavering commitment to freshwater stewardship.”
— Susan MacDonald, President, Lake Torment Stewardship Association

“The Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities is pleased to support the Lake Torment Stewardship Association through the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund. Funded under the adaptation stream, this project aims to develop a data-driven program to better understand, manage and mitigate the growth of blue-green algae. By providing data-informed insights, the initiative will enhance decision-making processes to protect the community and its ecosystems.”
— Juanita Spencer, CEO, Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities

Quick Facts:

  • the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund was created on October 27, 2021, as part of the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act, the government’s legislated commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, respond to and prepare for the impacts of climate change, transform how Nova Scotians produce and use energy, make homes more energy efficient and more
  • the Lake Torment Stewardship Association project was funded under the second round of the program
  • the fund launched on November 7, 2022, with $15 million in funding to support projects that help communities adapt to climate change, mitigate its impacts, and help Nova Scotia reduce its greenhouse gas emissions; on September 28, 2023, the fund was topped up by $15.4 million and extended to 2028
  • the fund is available to municipalities, non-profit and community organizations, post-secondary institutions and Mi’kmaw communities to help them respond to and prepare for climate change impacts and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities was selected through a request for proposals process to develop and administer the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund on behalf of the government

Additional Resources:

More information on the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund is available at: https://nschallengefund.ca/

News releases about the fund and related projects: https://news.novascotia.ca/search/all?field_topics=228

Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act: https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/statutes/environmental%20goals%20and%20climate%20change%20reduction.pdf

Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth: https://climatechange.novascotia.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/ns-climate-change-plan.pdf

Weathering What’s Ahead: Climate Change Risk and Nova Scotia’s Well-being: https://climatechange.novascotia.ca/climate-impacts

Source : Provincial Release