
Government Supports Sustainable Transportation in Antigonish

Antigonish residents will have a safer, more accessible way to connect to community hubs with support from the province’s sustainable transportation grant program, Connect2.

Health and Wellness Minister Randy Delorey, on behalf of Energy Minister Geoff MacLellan, announced today, Aug. 14, the Town of Antigonish will receive $10,000 to reduce and smooth the slope of an existing multi-use path between Chisholm and MacLellan Streets.

“Projects like this improve our neighbourhoods, help us reduce emissions and stay healthy by providing sustainable transportation options,” said Mr. Delorey. “That’s why we’re working with communities, like the Town of Antigonish, to break down barriers so walking, running or cycling from place to place becomes just as easy or easier than driving.”

The path will also give students and other residents better access to Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School and its recreational facilities.

“Today’s announcement is another important step in growing the overall connectivity of our community,” said Mayor Laurie Boucher. “We want active transportation to be easy for our residents, so providing safe and welcoming infrastructure is a necessary starting point.”

Connect2 aims to create and promote active transportation options for trips of two kilometres or less between community hubs in rural and urban parts of the province.

This year, Connect2 will support about 22 projects across the province. More projects will be announced in the coming weeks, and all will be completed by the end of March 2018.

For more information about Connect2, visit

Source: Release