Who is Responsible for NS Connection to Rest of Canada, Ottawa or The Province?

People interested in taking part in the reference case before the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal regarding the Chignecto Isthmus can file their application by Friday, September 15.

In July, the Attorney General of Nova Scotia asked the court for its opinion about responsibility for the infrastructure across the isthmus. The specific question is: “Is the infrastructure which protects the interprovincial transportation, trade and communication links across the Chignecto Isthmus within the exclusive Legislative Authority of the Parliament of Canada?”

Any person or group who wants to participate in the reference can apply to be an intervener, defined as a party the court deems qualified to present argument on the question it is attempting to answer.

Applications must include an affidavit describing the person’s or group’s interest in the proceeding. Applications are filed at the Law Courts building, 1815 Upper Water St., Halifax.

The court will hear the applications on September 21 at 10 a.m. at the Law Courts.

Source : Release
