Chiropractors Across Nova Scotia Will Soon Be Able to Order X-Rays.

Licensed chiropractors across Nova Scotia will soon be able to order x-rays, saving themselves and their patients time and unnecessary additional appointments.

Requesting x-rays is part of a chiropractors’ scope of practice and core professional competencies. Until now, only chiropractors in the Central Zone had access to publicly-funded diagnostic imaging services, which is being extended to all zones in the province. Chiropractors must be in good standing with the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors to order an x-ray.

“This change means increased and timely access for patients across the province who need x-rays as part of their chiropractic treatment,” said Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness. “Expanding this ability to chiropractors in all zones will save money, time and reduce unnecessary demands on family physicians, nurse practitioners and emergency departments.”

It is expected this expanded referral will be in place by late 2023. Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health need to update electronic referral methods and the registry of chiropractors throughout the province to put the changes into practice.

“The change means chiropractic patients will no longer need a secondary step of medical referral for x-ray studies,” said Dr. Paul Whatling, President of the Council of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors. “As experts in neuromusculoskeletal care, chiropractors are responsible for the examination and diagnosis of each patient and have the training to determine need for further testing, like x-rays. We’re excited to contribute to a more equitable, efficient system.”

“Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health look forward to working with the College of Chiropractors to ensure this expansion of access works well for providers and their patients,” said Dr. Tim Mailman, Senior Medical Director, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Network, Nova Scotia Health.

Source: Release
