Province to Conduct Comprehensive Policing Review of How Services Are Delivered.

The Province will conduct a comprehensive review of the policing structure in Nova Scotia and potentially recommend changes for how policing services are delivered.

“We are committed to making our communities safer, and a big part of that work is ensuring our policing services are effective, efficient and structured in a way that best serves Nova Scotians,” said Attorney General and Justice Minister Brad Johns. “I’m pleased that this important work will include a committee of people representing the diversity of our communities, ensuring that local voices are reflected in this review.”

A request for proposals for an external consultant to conduct the comprehensive, technical review of policing was issued today, September 29.

The selected consultant will work closely with a police review advisory committee, which will include people from equity-deserving groups, the provincial government, police agencies, subject matter experts and diverse community representatives.

The committee is co-chaired by Clare MacLellan, retired Nova Scotia Supreme Court justice, and Hayley Crichton, Executive Director of Public Safety and Security with the Department of Justice. Letters have been sent to policing agencies and community organizations seeking nominations for committee members. Other police review advisory committee members will be announced at a later date.

Quick Facts:

  • there are currently 11 police agencies in Nova Scotia – 10 municipal police agencies and the RCMP serving as the provincial police agency – with almost 2,000 police officer positions
  • the final report of the Mass Casualty Commission recommended a multi-sectoral council be established to review the structure of policing in Nova Scotia and make recommendations that can be implemented before the 2032 expiration of the Provincial Police Services Agreement (Recommendation P.67)
  • the review is expected to be completed by 2025

Additional Resources:

Request for proposal: https://procurement-portal.novascotia.ca/tenders/Doc1647262593

Turning the Tide Together – Final Report of the Mass Casualty Commission: https://masscasualtycommission.ca/final-report/

Directory of police agencies in Nova Scotia: https://novascotia.ca/just/policing_services/agencies.asp

Source: Release
