Province Provides Advice to Customers During Maritime Fuels Bankruptcy.

The Province is warning customers of Maritime Fuels to take steps to stop any pre-scheduled payments after the company declared bankruptcy this week.

Customers on a prepayment plan for their home heating fuel should contact their financial institution or credit card company and stop those payments right away.

The Nova Scotia-based fuel company filed for bankruptcy and a licensed insolvency trustee – PwC – was appointed on Thursday, November 16. Under bankruptcy legislation, a licensed insolvency trustee is in charge of dealing with creditors. Nova Scotians who have already paid for fuel they did not or will not receive should contact PwC. This ensures that they will hear from the trustee as arrangements are made to pay off the company’s debts.

The Province is not aware of how many customers were on a prepayment plan.

Additional Resources:

PwC’s Maritime Fuels bankruptcy information page: https://www.pwc.com/ca/en/services/insolvency-assignments/maritimefuels.html

Source: Release
