New Project Allows Snowmobiles on Roads, Shoulders.

A pilot project this winter will allow snowmobilers to access trails and services via snow-covered road shoulders and roadways in parts of Inverness and Lunenburg counties.

“This pilot project supports safe and responsible use of snowmobiles on specific roadways at approved locations,” said Public Works Minister Kim Masland. “This will enable greater connectivity for snowmobile users and support businesses that serve outdoor enthusiasts in these communities.”

The pilot project begins Friday, December 15, and runs to March 31. There are three pilot areas: Margaree Centre and Big Intervale, Inverness County, and New Germany, Lunenburg County.

Access to roads and shoulders will be permitted only when areas are snow and/or ice covered, and snowmobilers will need to follow specific rules that are subject to penalties under the new Snow Vehicle Pilot Project Regulations.

The pilot will help determine whether snowmobiles should be added to the Road Trails Act, which has allowed other off-highway vehicles permanent road access at approved locations since late September, following a similar pilot.

Quick Facts:

  • the Province worked with the not-for-profit Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia on pilot project locations
  • signs about road and shoulder access will be posted in the pilot areas
  • the Road Trails Act applies to all-terrain vehicles, including multipurpose off-highway utility vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles, as well as dirt bikes

Additional Resources:

Road Trails Act: https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/statutes/road%20trails.pdf

News release – New Rules for Off-Highway Vehicles in Effect: https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20230929001

Off-highway vehicle pilot project and reports, including designated roads: https://novascotia.ca/ohv-pilot/

Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia: https://www.snowmobilersns.com/

Department of Public Works on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter: https://twitter.com/NS_PublicWorks

Source : Release
