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Province Launching Campaign Schools to Get People Involved in Municipal Politics.

The Province is launching campaign schools in advance of this fall’s municipal elections, aiming to equip Nova Scotians with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources to run for municipal office.

“Campaign schools are designed to support aspiring municipal leaders throughout the province,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Through this initiative, we hope to create a more inclusive environment where Nova Scotians from all backgrounds feel empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences to their communities.”

The Department is collaborating with the Status of Women Office and consultant Sea Change CoLab on the schools. Sessions will be held in three communities, each on a Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:

  • Sydney, June 15, Eltuek Arts Centre
  • Truro, June 22, Rath Eastlink Community Centre (people may also attend online)
  • Shelburne, July 13, Shelburne Community Centre.

All sessions are open to anyone interested, and participants can be reimbursed for child care.

The workshops will offer practical guidance on various aspects of municipal campaigning, including strategic planning, community engagement, fundraising and communications strategies. People will have the opportunity to talk to mentors and learn from successful campaign experiences.

Registration details and more information about the schools are available at: https://novascotia.ca/municipal-elections/


“Campaign schools are a great way to give people the skills and confidence they need to enter the world of politics. We’re hopeful that through this initiative, we will see more women and diverse individuals at leadership tables across the province to ensure their voices are included when decisions are made.”
— Jill Balser, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women

“Sea Change CoLab is excited to host participants and speakers from a range of diverse communities at the upcoming municipal campaign schools. The schools aim to support potential candidates and their teams in the 2024 municipal elections. The events help participants prepare for their campaigns, gain a better understanding of the tools and resources available, and the role of elected municipal officials.”
— Corrie Melanson, Learning Experience Designer, Sea Change CoLab

Quick Facts:

  • municipal elections will be held across the province on October 19
  • Nova Scotians interested in being a candidate must register by September 10

Additional Resources:

The Status of Women Office offers accessible, self-paced training for women interested in running for elected office: https://women.novascotia.ca/campaign-school-women-online-training/introduction

Mandate letter for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing: https://novascotia.ca/exec_council/letters-2021/ministerial-mandate-letter-2021-MAH-EMO-MR.pdf

Source : Provincial Release
