Guysborough County to Receive Critical Infrastructure Upgrades.

Critical water, wastewater and infrastructure projects will help sustain communities and support growth and future housing for healthcare professionals and others in Guysborough County.

Four projects will receive funding under the Municipal Capital Growth Program, a one-time $102-million investment in projects across Nova Scotia – a historic provincial investment in municipal infrastructure.

“Guysborough County is renowned for its natural beauty. People want to live here, and we are committed to collaborating with municipalities to help them continue to grow,” said Agriculture Minister Greg Morrow, MLA for Guysborough-Tracadie, on behalf of John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “These projects will enhance water and wastewater systems, help to reduce flooding risks, and build streets, sewers and sidewalks where housing for healthcare workers will be located.”

The projects, in three municipalities, include:

  • Municipality of the District of Guysborough – construction of streets, sidewalks and sewer systems to complete the Cutler’s Brook Estates subdivision in Guysborough, creating 12 new residential and multi-unit development lots; $997,351 total cost
  • Town of Mulgrave – shoreline protection and waterfront development work at McNair’s Cove; $516,544
  • Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s (two projects) – modernization and automation of the water treatment system in Sherbrooke to improve efficiency and provide 24/7 monitoring; work to reduce the amount of water entering the sewer system along Highway 7, creating more capacity for growth; $262,799.

The total investment in the projects is almost $1.8 million, cost-shared equally between the Province and the municipalities.


“I would like to thank the Province for the funding to expand the road, sewer and sidewalk network in Cutler’s Brook Estates subdivision. This expansion will enable the construction of several multi-unit residential buildings, providing critical housing for our residents and supporting economic development in our municipality. Municipality of the District of Guysborough is truly a great place to live, work and stay!”
— Vernon Pitts, Warden, Municipality of the District of Guysborough

“The Town of Mulgrave is excited to be a recipient of Municipal Capital Growth Program funding from the Province of Nova Scotia. We expect the waterfront development at McNair’s Cove project to draw residents, boating enthusiasts, tourists and residents of neighbouring municipalities to the area on a regular basis. We also anticipate many visitors will be left with a strong, positive impression of the area and the town in general and will consider moving to Mulgrave. The long-term sustainability of the town will be strengthened by a new centre of attraction within town and a demonstrated commitment to counter the negative impact of climate change reflected in the waterfront development project.”
— Ron Chisholm, Mayor, Town of Mulgrave

“The Province’s assistance allows St. Mary’s to make vital improvements to water and sewer utilities, providing long-term benefits and helping to control costs for residents and businesses who pay to use these services. Keeping our public utilities modern and efficient is critical for service reliability and reduces long-term repair costs. These investments are also essential for growth – increasing our capacity for housing, a new and redeveloped Sherbrooke long-term care facility, and hopefully, a great future use for the existing long-term care building. Thanks to the boost from the Municipal Capital Growth Program, St. Mary’s will be ready for growth!”
— Greg Wier, Warden, Municipality of the District of Saint Mary’s

Quick Facts:

  • the Municipal Capital Growth Program, announced in February, was designed to respond to the infrastructure needs of municipalities and supports critical issues such as housing, climate change, accessibility and growth
  • the Municipality of the District of Guysborough transferred two parcels of land in Cutler’s Brook Estates to the Housing Trust of Nova Scotia to support the creation of two four-unit modular townhomes under the Province’s housing for healthcare initiative; construction begins this summer

Additional Resources:

News releases about the Municipal Capital Growth Program and projects are available at: https://news.novascotia.ca/search/all?field_topics=293

Source : Provincial Release
