Fisherman Fined $7000 For Tampering With Fishing Gear.

On May 15, a herring harvester from Nova Scotia was sentenced to pay a $7,000 fine for offences under the Fisheries Act, including tampering with food, social and ceremonial (FSC) lobster gear. This individual also paid a $600 restitution directly to the impacted harvester and was prohibited from fishing during the first two weeks of the herring fishery.

FSC fisheries are not commercial fisheries and may take place outside the commercial season.

We do not tolerate gear tampering. Interference with lawful fishing is illegal, causes debris that harms fish and fish habitat, and may result in a fine of up to $100,000 for offences under the Fisheries Act.

Any harvesters who have gear destroyed or tampered with should report the incidents to local police and the nearest Conservation and Protection detachment: https://ow.ly/xRTJ50SpzIY.

Source : DFO Release
