Town of Port Hawkesbury to Receive Sidewalk Upgrades.

Upgrades to sidewalks in the Town of Port Hawkesbury will help support accessibility to services, businesses and activities.

“It is great to see the Town of Port Hawkesbury making efforts to spruce up their streets,” said Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage Minister Allan MacMaster, MLA for Inverness, on behalf John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “These improvements will benefit people living in the core of the town and anyone who likes to get out on foot in the community.”

This project includes 1.44 kilometres of sidewalk replacement and widening, an accessible pedestrian ramp design, tactile walking surface indicators, the addition of rest areas and benches, and sign improvements.

The total investment in the work is $796,454, with the Province and the Town of Port Hawkesbury each investing $398,227.

The project is part of the Municipal Capital Growth Program, a one-time $102-million investment in projects across Nova Scotia – a historic provincial investment in municipal infrastructure.


“A Town For Everyone, the Town of Port Hawkesbury’s accessibility plan, states that it is important that our community is inclusive and as barrier-free as possible so that everyone can participate with dignity and independence. One of the most prominent issues raised through community consultation collected while building the plan is the condition of our aged sidewalks and the necessary upgrades required to ensure barrier-free access. The town is very grateful to be able to work with the Province to make our community safer and more accessible for our residents and visitors.”
— Brenda Chisholm Beaton, Mayor, Town of Port Hawkesbury

Quick Facts:

  • the Municipal Capital Growth Program, announced in February, was designed to respond to the infrastructure needs of municipalities and addresses critical issues like housing, climate change, accessibility and growth
  • the Province’s accessibility strategy, Access by Design 2030, outlines how the government achieves an accessible province by providing persons with disabilities with equitable access to programs, services, information and infrastructure

Additional Resources:

News releases about the Municipal Capital Growth Program and projects are available at: https://news.novascotia.ca/search/all?field_topics=293

Access by Design 2030: https://novascotia.ca/accessibility/access-by-design/

Source : Provincial Release
