NS First Acadian Heritage Month Begins.

Today, August 1, marks the start of Nova Scotia’s first Acadian Heritage Month, honouring more than four centuries of Acadian history, culture, language and traditions.

“Acadians have played a fundamental role in shaping our province and there’s no better time than August, a time of great significance to Acadians, to celebrate this proud culture,” said Premier Tim Houston. “The inaugural Acadian Heritage Month is an opportunity for all of us to discover more about the vitality and enduring heritage of the Acadian people.”

Nova Scotians and visitors travelling to Acadian communities will be treated to a variety of activities – including concerts, culinary experiences and gatherings – throughout the month.

A highlight of this year’s festivities is the Congrès mondial acadien 2024, the largest Acadian gathering in the world. The event, held in a different location every five years, will bring thousands of people to southwestern Nova Scotia August 10-18.

“August will be a month to celebrate Acadian heritage and share the incredible stories of our people,” said Colton LeBlanc, Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie. “The Congrès mondial acadien 2024 will also be an opportunity to showcase southwest Nova Scotia and a great time for visitors to experience the spirit of l’Acadie in our province and discover its vibrant history.”

The Province provided $25,000 each to 16 Nova Scotia communities to support activities for the first Acadian Heritage Month.


“It is wonderful to see the work that began with the first Acadian national congress in 1881 continue to expand and grow, recognizing the significance of the Acadian community in Nova Scotia. I am greatly honoured to be able to play a part in these celebrations.”
— Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc

“Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse is delighted by the launch of Acadian Heritage Month in Nova Scotia. This is an historical moment to celebrate over 400 years of proud Acadian culture and history. I am glad the provincial government is launching Acadian Heritage Month while we are preparing for the Congrès mondial acadien 2024, which will take place from August 10 to 18 in Clare and Argyle in Nova Scotia.”
— Denise Comeau Desautels, President, Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse

Quick Facts:

  • Acadian Heritage Month will be celebrated every year in Nova Scotia
  • the theme for 2024 is Acadie: Discover its vibrant history
  • the Acadian flag was raised at Province House in Halifax today, August 1
  • the Provincial Acadian Day Act designates August 15 as Acadian Day in Nova Scotia
  • the Congrès mondial acadien 2024 is hosted by the regions of Argyle and Clare

Additional Resources:

Acadian Affairs and Francophonie: https://beta.novascotia.ca/government/acadian-affairs-and-francophonie

Source : Provincial Release
