Funding Provided to Groups Across Province Celebrating Acadian Culture.

Organizations across the province are celebrating Acadian culture with the support of provincial grants.

“Today is National Acadian Day, honouring the rich history, distinct identity and vibrant traditions of the Acadian people, which date back four centuries,” said Colton LeBlanc, Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, on behalf of Allan MacMaster, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. “This investment demonstrates our commitment to preserving and promoting our heritage to ensure all Nova Scotians can celebrate our province’s Acadian legacy and resilient spirit.”

La Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse, dedicated to the promotion of Acadian culture and French language, received funding to support Acadians participating in the Oxford Food Symposium 2024 and to develop a cultural support program for French-speaking communities.

La Société historique acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest, with a mission to study the history of the Acadian people, particularly those living in the Pubnico and Yarmouth areas, received funding to participate in the Congrès mondial acadien 2024.

Le Conseil jeunesse provincial de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, which is committed to advocating for Acadian and French-speaking youth, received funding to help youth experience the Congrès mondial acadien 2024.

Other people and organizations receiving provincial grants include:

  • Phil Comeau, Nova Scotian film and television director, screenwriter and producer – create a documentary film featuring the young artists participating in the Congrès mondial acadien 2024
  • Comité provincial des Jeux de l’Acadie, région Nouvelle-Écosse – organize events for the 43rd Acadian Games
  • Société Promotion Grand-Pré – organize Acadian Day 2024 celebration
  • Fédération des parents acadiens de la Nouvelle-Écosse – 40th anniversary celebration
  • Le français pour l’avenir/French for the Future – help students attend and participate in educational workshops at a forum in Halifax
  • Cumberland Acadian Society – organize its annual Acadian festival
  • Société d’héritage acadien de Wedgeport – conduct a feasibility study focused on the use of a decommissioned church
  • Conseil communautaire du Grand-Havre – organize the Festival Quinzou 2024 at the Halifax waterfront
  • Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse – create an action plan for marketing Acadian tourism
  • Association Les Voix d’Acadie – participate in the the Congrès mondial acadien 2024
  • Saint Mary’s University – organize the Colloquium on Literary and Artistic Expressions of the Anthropo(s)cene event
  • Société acadienne de Clare – organize activities for Acadian Heritage Month 2024 and a literary project taking place during the Congrès mondial acadien
  • La Baie en Joie – organize a 45th anniversary celebration
  • Société La Vieille Maison – organize an Acadian Heritage Month 2024 exhibit
  • Centre communautaire culturel La Picasse– organize activities related to Acadian Heritage Month 2024 celebration
  • Minudie Heritage Association – purchase a protective case for the aboiteau in the Cumberland County community
  • Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos – organize au Cœur de l’Acadie 2024 celebration
  • Age Advantage Association – organize a series of cultural and historical presentations at the Fort Anne National Historic Site
  • Société acadienne Sainte-Croix – organize the Acadie de Pomquet 250th anniversary celebration
  • Parrsborough Shore Historical Society – organize an Acadian Heritage Month 2024 exhibit at Ottawa House By-The-Sea Museum
  • Association du festival de la barge – organize the Festival d’la Barge
  • Société Héritage Saint-Bernard – organize a guided tour of Saint Bernard Church
  • Patchwork Pals Quilters Club – organize hand-stitched quilting demonstrations.

The grants are part of a series of announcements taking place across the province.


“The Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse expresses its gratitude to the Government of Nova Scotia for supporting the community in celebrating Acadian Heritage Month, as well as to the various organizations involved in honouring Acadian heritage. Happy National Acadian Day!”
— Denise Comeau Desautels, President, Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse

Quick Facts

  • grant recipients and funding amounts:
    • Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse – $8,000
    • Société historique acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest – $20,000
    • Conseil jeunesse provincial de la Nouvelle-Écosse – over $19,000
    • Phil Comeau – $35,000
    • Comité provincial des Jeux de l’Acadie, région Nouvelle-Écosse – $17,000
    • Société Promotion Grand-Pré – over $17,000
    • Fédération des parents acadiens de la Nouvelle-Écosse – over $10,000
    • Le français pour l’avenir/French for the Future – over $13,000
    • Cumberland Acadian Society – just over $12,000
    • Société d’héritage acadien de Wedgeport – just over $12,000
    • Conseil communautaire du Grand-Havre – $12,500
    • Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse – $10,000
    • Association Les Voix d’Acadie – over $5,000
    • Saint Mary’s University – $5,000
    • Société acadienne de Clare – over $4,000
    • La Baie en Joie – over $2,700
    • Société La Vieille Maison – $2,000
    • Centre communautaire culturel La Picasse – $2,000
    • Minudie Heritage Association – $2,000
    • Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos – $2,000
    • Age Advantage Association – $2,000
    • Société acadienne Sainte-Croix – $2,000
    • Parrsborough Shore Historical Society – over $1,600
    • Association du festival de la barge – over $1,000
    • Société Héritage Saint-Bernard – $1,000
    • Patchwork Pals Quilters Club – $300
  • August 2024 marks Nova Scotia’s first Acadian Heritage Month, which will be celebrated every year
  • August 15 is Acadian Day in Nova Scotia
  • the Congrès mondial acadien 2024 is hosted by the regions of Argyle and Clare

Additional Resources:

News release – Nova Scotia’s First Acadian Heritage Month Begins: https://news.novascotia.ca/en/2024/08/01/nova-scotias-first-acadian-heritage-month-begins

Provincial Acadian Day Act: https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/bills/59th_1st/1st_read/b051.htm

Congrès mondial acadien: https://cma2024.ca/en

Acadian Affairs and Francophonie: https://beta.novascotia.ca/government/acadian-affairs-and-francophonie

Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage grants and programs: https://cch.novascotia.ca/investing-in-our-future

Online grant finder tool: https://beta.novascotia.ca/find-grants-offered-through-department-communities-culture-tourism-and-heritage

Source : Provincial Release