Community Facility in Havre Boucher to Receive Funding.

Residents of Havre Boucher, Antigonish County, will see upgrades to the community centre with a provincial grant.

“I am pleased to support the community of Havre Boucher and the Havre Boucher and Area Cultural, Development & Recreation Association with funding that will help preserve and maintain this important community centre,” said Greg Morrow, Minister of Agriculture and MLA for Guysborough-Tracadie, on behalf of Allan MacMaster, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. “The funding will help the association continue to enrich community life, build connections among residents and have a positive impact in the community.”

The association received funding to replace the roof of the Havre Boucher Community Centre. The centre serves as a central hub offering social, recreational and cultural opportunities for people of all ages.

This community grant is part of a series of announcements taking place across the province.


“The centre is the main piece of social infrastructure in the community and benefits the entire community. It is very well used and to ensure continuity of use, we need to address building life-cycle issues. The facility was completed in 2006 and having experienced the wrath of nature in terms of two hurricanes, the roof has reached its end of life and needs to be replaced. This funding is extremely important to help us maintain this critical infrastructure. In addition, it will enable us to move forward with a roof-mounted solar project that is a joint initiative of all three levels of government.”
— Hugh O’Neill, Treasurer, Havre Boucher and Area Cultural, Development & Recreation Association

Quick Facts:

  • the association received a $33,000 grant

Additional Resources:

Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage grants and programs: https://cch.novascotia.ca/investing-in-our-future

Online grant finder tool: https://beta.novascotia.ca/find-grants-offered-through-department-communities-culture-tourism-and-heritage

Source : Provincial Release
