Eastern Shore Community Infrastructure to Receive Funding.

Communities on the Eastern Shore will benefit from upgrades to community facilities and a trail with provincial grants announced today, August 27.

“It’s important to this government to support our communities with their unique needs as they work to promote inclusivity, celebrate culture, and bring different perspectives together,” said Kent Smith, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture and MLA for Eastern Shore, on behalf of Allan MacMaster, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. “The community organizations receiving this funding and their volunteers have made valuable contributions to their communities and we’re proud to support their continued work.”

The Porters Lake Community Services Association, a non-profit organization serving local residents by maintaining the community centre, hosting events and organizing activities, received funding to install a generator.

The Deanery Project Co-Operative Ltd. in Lower Ship Harbour, an environmental and arts learning centre that provides a range of programs guided by permaculture design principles, received funding for electrical and heating system improvements.

Other local organizations also receiving provincial grants:

  • L’Acadie de Chezzetcook Association – repair roof
  • SATA Trails Society – install safety barriers near Pine Hill Drive and a vault toilet at the east end of the trail.

These community grants are part of a series of announcements taking place across the province.


“L’Acadie de Chezzetcook is grateful for the support in the creation of the Chezzetcook Inlet Acadian Centre. The funds donated through this grant will help with finishing the replacement of the roof to ensure the historical building remains a landmark within the community. Without support like this, the centre would not be possible.”
— Cameron DeBaie, Chair, L’Acadie de Chezzetcook Association

Quick Facts:

  • grant recipients and funding amounts:
    • Porters Lake Community Services Association – $50,000
    • the Deanery Project Co-Operative Ltd. – more than $33,000
    • L’Acadie de Chezzetcook Association – more than $14,000
    • SATA Trails Society – more than $9,000

Additional Resources:

Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage grants and programs: https://cch.novascotia.ca/investing-in-our-future

Online grant finder tool: https://beta.novascotia.ca/find-grants-offered-through-department-communities-culture-tourism-and-heritage

Source : Provincial Release

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