Action for Health, Updated Healthcare Progress Data.

Nova Scotians can now see updated healthcare data on the Action for Health website.

The latest data, from the first quarter of 2024-25 (April 1 to June 30), shows ongoing positive trends in several areas, including consistent reductions to the surgical wait list and staff vacancy rates, and a high number of long-term care admissions.

“Our commitment to fixing healthcare has never wavered, and we are making headway,” said Health and Wellness Minister Michelle Thompson. “While we are seeing positive momentum in key areas, we know there is more to do. We will continue to do that work, and to be transparent with Nova Scotians as we implement the Action for Health plan.”

The government is making progress on each of the six broad solutions to improve healthcare in Nova Scotia laid out in the Action for Health strategy. All actions outlined in the strategic plan are now underway and their status has been updated.

The Action for Health website is updated quarterly: https://novascotia.ca/actionforhealth

Highlights from the last quarter include:

  • Nova Scotia’s second medical school campus is on track to open in the fall of 2025 with 30 first-year seats, with a focus on practising in rural Nova Scotian communities
  • Nova Scotians being treated for cancer and dealing with hair loss can get help with the cost of a wig through a one-time rebate of $300
  • four new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and a partnership with a medical imaging company will improve access and reduce wait times for patients
  • eligible Nova Scotians living with diabetes can apply for funding to cover the cost of sensor-based glucose monitoring supplies
  • residents of Pugwash and the surrounding area have better access to healthcare with the opening of the new North Cumberland Health Care Centre
  • cancer patients and others in Cape Breton will get enhanced care closer to home with a new PET-CT scanner for the Cape Breton Regional Hospital
  • the Province will cover full tuition for more than 460 people who want to become a primary care paramedic or emergency medical responder.

Additional Resources:

Action for Health progress updates dashboard: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/803e058d4ab747629a5c14419d7e5c4a

Action for Health daily dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/nova.scotia.health/viz/ActionforHealth-PublicReporting/Overview

News release – Strategic Plan to Improve Healthcare in Nova Scotia: https://news.novascotia.ca/en/2022/04/22/strategic-plan-improve-healthcare-nova-scotia

Mandate letter for the Minister of Health and Wellness: https://novascotia.ca/exec_council/letters-2021/ministerial-mandate-letter-2021-DHW.pdf

Source : Provincial Release
