Changes to The French-Language Services Act.

The government is amending legislation to strengthen its commitment to serve Nova Scotia’s growing Acadian and francophone community.

Acadian Affairs and Francophonie Minister Colton LeBlanc introduced changes to the French-language Services Act today, September 10.

“We are listening to our Acadian and francophone partners on how best to support and grow these communities and deliver public services in French,” said Minister LeBlanc. “We will continue working with our partners to better align programs and services to meet the evolving priorities of the community.”

Proposed amendments will:

  • recognize French-speaking Nova Scotians as contributing to the province’s diversity and vibrancy
  • highlight the important role of the French language in the development of the Acadian and francophone community
  • require a review of the act every 10 years
  • change the definition of the minister responsible for the act to minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie; it is currently minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
  • add specific language around the Minister’s role in advising the government on the use of the French language
  • add the Advisory Committee to the Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie to the act.

Work to update the French-language services regulations will continue in consultation with Acadian and francophone partners.


“We could not receive better news than this, namely the update to the French-language Services Act, to add to the many legacies of the Congrès mondial acadien. This gesture by the provincial government will allow Acadians and francophones to receive better services in French.”
— Denise Comeau Desautels, President, Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse

Quick Facts:

  • this year marks 20 years since the act was introduced in 2004
  • about 35,000 Nova Scotians speak French as their first language, and more than 100,000 Nova Scotians speak French

Source: Provincial Release
