New Intersection Design to Improve Traffic Flow at the Canso Causeway.

Travel to and from Cape Breton will be safer, with better access points, after intersection upgrades are complete in Port Hastings, Inverness County, to connect highways 104 and 105, Trunk 4 and Route 19.

“Nova Scotians want a safer highway network, and this new design will improve traffic flow while supporting active transportation,” said Allan MacMaster, Minister of Finance and Treasury Board and MLA for Inverness , on behalf of Kim Masland, Minister of Public Works. “I understand the frustration of waiting for a ship to pass through the canal. Public Works has carefully designed a solution that I’m confident will ease delays and improve safety in the area.”

The new intersection design will keep vehicles from blocking the intersection when drivers cannot cross the Canso Causeway because it is open to marine traffic.

The project will include a bridge over Trunk 4 and a new sidewalk system so pedestrians can access local businesses without having to cross Highway 105.

Design work is complete, and a tender will be issued in the coming weeks. Construction is expected to begin early this winter and be completed in late 2028.

Quick Facts:

  • total project cost will be released once the tender process is complete
  • the project is funded under the current major highway construction budget
  • Public Works needs to acquire additional land for this project, an ongoing process

Source : Provincial Release