Driver Charged With Stunting and Other Offences After 197km/h Post on Social Media.

Yarmouth Town RCMP charge driver with stunting and other offences after receiving a report of concerning posts on a social media platform.

On November 19 at approximately 11:00 p.m., Yarmouth Town RCMP received a report of online posts that showed a male in possession of alcohol driving at a high rate of speed. The posts, which included a close-up video of the speedometer reading 197 km/hr, were being shared by passengers in the vehicle.

Responding officers, with assistance from Yarmouth Rural RCMP, located the blue 2006 Honda Civic in Tusket and initiated a traffic stop. The driver at this time, however, was not the driver observed in the online posts. The previous driver, a 19-year-old man of Gavelton, was identified and issued Summary Offence Tickets for Stunting, Illegally Possessing Liquor, and breaching licensed learner conditions. The vehicle was impounded and the driver’s license suspended.

Road safety is a priority for the RCMP and drivers are reminded to make it their priority as well. If you see someone driving unsafely on our roads, in person or online, please report it by calling the RCMP at 1-800-803-RCMP (7267). If you believe it is an emergency, call 911.

Source: RCMP Release