NGRP Charge Impaired Driver During Operation Christmas checkpoint.

On Sunday early morning on December 15th at approximately 1:12 a.m., New Glasgow Regional Police officers while conducting an Operation Christmas Checkpoint on Trenton Road, New Glasgow charged a 24-year-old male from Westville, N.S. with; Operation while Impaired and Operation while Impaired over 80mg%. The driver was released and will be appearing in Provincial Court in Pictou at a later date.
“Impaired driving is one the leading causes of preventable death and life-threatening injuries on Pictou County roads,” said Constable Ken Macdonald of the New Glasgow Regional Police. “Getting behind the wheel while impaired by drugs and or alcohol is not only deadly, but also against the law.”

Law Enforcement Agencies of Pictou County would like to thank motorists who drive safe and help keep impaired drivers off the roads. If you suspect a driver may be impaired call 911. Include as many details as possible, such as the location, direction of travel, vehicle description and license plate number.

New Glasgow Regional Police and other Pictou County Law Enforcement Agencies will continue to conduct checkpoints throughout the holidays with a goal to eliminate impaired driving.

Source: NGRP Release