Low-Income Seniors to Receive Provincial Personal Income Tax Refunds This Month.

Nearly 1,000 low-income Nova Scotian seniors will receive provincial personal income tax refunds this month through a program unique in Canada.

Many seniors who receive the federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) are eligible for the Province’s GIS provincial tax refund program. Payments this month total about $1.4 million, an increase from the $800,000 paid to 600 seniors last January.

The number of eligible seniors and the refund total have increased because the senior population has grown, and federal changes have allowed seniors to earn more income while qualifying for GIS.

“With the rising cost of living, every dollar counts for Nova Scotians. This investment will allow our low-income seniors to keep more of their earnings for day-to-day needs,” said John Lohr, Minister of Finance and Treasury Board. “Nova Scotia is the only province with a refund program like this that puts real money back in seniors’ pockets.”

The program provides eligible seniors a refund payment ranging from a minimum of $50 to a maximum of $10,000, depending on how much they have paid in provincial income tax. To qualify for this refund, a person must:

  • be 65 years of age or older in the taxation year
  • report income on line 14600 of their T1 return in the taxation year
  • have provincial income tax payable on line 42800 in the taxation year.

Seniors do not have to apply for this refund, but they must file a tax return each year. Those who did not file a return for the 2023 taxation year, but who are eligible, can still receive the refund when they file a tax return.

The Department of Finance and Treasury Board assesses eligibility and processes refunds based on tax returns. Cheques being sent this month are for 2023 and prior tax years.

Quick Facts:

  • the GIS is a federal supplement paid to low-income seniors; Nova Scotia introduced the GIS provincial refund program in 2010
  • 43 per cent of Nova Scotia seniors, or about 60,000, receive the GIS each year
  • the Province issues GIS tax refund payments twice per fiscal year, in August and January
  • more than 16,000 recipients have already received almost $25 million for the 2023 tax year

Additional Resources:

People with questions about the rebate program can call the Service Nova Scotia provincial contact centre at: 1-800-670-4357

Information about the federal government’s Guaranteed Income Supplement program, including eligibility requirements, is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/old-age-security/guaranteed-income-supplement.htm

Source : Provincial Release