Largest Minimum Wage Increase in Province’s History Coming This Year.

Nova Scotians will benefit this year from the largest minimum wage increase in the province’s history.

The rate will increase $1.30 in total this year, first rising to $15.70 per hour on April 1 and then to $16.50 on October 1.

“Inflation continues to put pressure on families across the province. We need to do what we can to help,” said Nolan Young, Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration. “This year we will see the biggest increase in minimum wage ever made in our province. We’re supporting hard-working Nova Scotians while addressing the rising cost of living.”

The minimum wage is updated every year on April 1 based on the consumer price index for the previous year, plus an extra one per cent. The additional increase on October 1 this year responds to concerns about the rising cost of living.

As a result of these increases, workers earning the general minimum wage and working 37.5 hours per week will see an annual pay raise of up to $2,535.

The Minimum Wage Review Committee, which is made up of employee and employer representatives, filed its report with the Minister on December 30.

Quick Facts:

  • the current minimum wage of $15.20 per hour took effect April 1, 2024; the rate reached $15 on October 1, 2023
  • on average, 7.3 per cent of workers, or 33,700 Nova Scotians, earned the minimum wage between April 2024 and October 2024

Additional Resources:

More information on Nova Scotia’s minimum wage is available at: https://novascotia.ca/lae/employmentrights/minimumwage.asp

Minimum Wage Review Committee report: https://novascotia.ca/lae/pubs/docs/minimum-wage-review-committee-report-december-2024-en.pdf

Source : Provincial Release